Aklala, our fabrics partner

Aklala – A partner of choice for Kifayath

        Aklala Batik is an artisanal center with a social vocation located in the city of Kpalimé in Togo. It is the partner of choice with which Kifayath works, both for the production of fabrics and for the making of pieces from the different collections. 

        Aklala deals with the reintegration of young girls who are abused or victims of forced marriage as well as orphans. Profits from sales are used to train young girls and provide them with a starter kit at the end of their training. In this way, they become independant  and can go into their own business.  The experience of the young girls taken into care in Aklala is as sad as it makes you want to support and help the center. Physical and moral violence, trauma linked to rape, economic insecurity,… evils and difficult situations to face and overcome.

Like the story of Ruth, 20 years old. When she was in fourth grade and coming home from school, she was raped by an elderly man; 9 months later, she gives birth to a child resulting from this rape. The trauma is such that Ruth would beat her child and cry with him. The Aklala center recovered her, taught her a trade and above all, provided personal development courses on self-confidence and self-esteem. Today, Ruth is much better and more fulfilled, both herself and her child.

Then there is Alice, this young woman who left her village to be a servant in town to her new employer, a lady of a certain age. Disillusionment arrives for Alice when she realizes that her employer in fact intends her to be a prostitute: every evening, the latter brings men home to sleep with her … Alice owes her salvation to Aklala where she was able to take refuge, be housed and fed.

Above all, she rebuilds herself by learning a trade to gain her autonomy.

     By collaborating with Aklala, Kifayath’s mission is to contribute to the development of Ruth, Alice and many other injured in life. It is also an opportunity to actively participate in the development of Togolese craftsmanship and the development of talents.  For future collections, Kifayath has chosen to donate £ 2 for each piece sold. This is yet another step in this desire to concretely help the center and its activities.